Friday, August 10, 2007

My job description

job description :
so my part of job is to create bugs and then fix them ... make sure that there are enough bugs in the code .. so i get my monthly pay cheque ..

so write a buggy code ..


River said...

oh u havent heard this before--most of the viruses in a system
are introduced by antivirus software only..u seem 2 b a newcomer
in software industry..
so there are 2 ways 4 u 2 act at this situation--
1.Accept the reality of software industry n work meekly accepting
even their wrong ideas n keep on getting ur paychecks every
month and above all dont leak ur comapny secrets like this...;)
2. This way is quite tough n challenging..If u have read fountainhead
thenu would appreciate this ..It says an ideal man doesnt go 4 such things
or jobs,so go howard roark way means either quit this job or put a bomb
in ur company(remeber wat he did wid building which was manipulated by 2nd
handers..) :) :P
so which way u going now,do write....